+31(0) 184 670 478 - info@hyproma.nl

Quality, reliability and inventiveness
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Specialists in hydraulics
Application and distribution of components
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Growth strategies

Hyproma has grown considerably since its foundation. Started with only Arie Stam, the company has now grown into a company with 6 fte, spread over several expertises. Besides this "normal" growth, Hyproma has also been engaged in targeted growth strategies:

Diversification - Mediproma B.V.

In addition to the current way of working, Hyproma wanted to broaden its horizon. For that reason, Mediproma B.V. has been established in cooperation with the former director of medical transport company Verhaar B.V. With Mediproma, new products were offered on new markets in the perspective of Hyproma and Verhaar B.V. Since its foundation, Mediproma has grown into a well-known and recognised company within the medical sector for the trade of mainly used and new medical equipment as well. The company is located at Alblasserdam. See www.mediproma.nl for more information. 

Market development - Splineshop.com

Hyproma saw a new opportunity after the success of Mediproma B.V. and looking at the spline availability gap in its own hydraulic sector. The opportunity contains of the development of a trade name to  increase spline shafts, bushes and adapter's availability. These products are offered and used in various sectors whereby new markets are opened by and for Hyproma. Visit www.splineshop.com for more information. 

Product development - Distribution of Components

Hyproma created the idea to distribute hydraulic and mechincal components by entering into dealerships. The idea arose when Splineshop.com was established and Hyproma, therefore, already had several meetings with the former director of Dutch Hydraulic Consultants B.V. (DHC). That process accelarated due to the serious illness from which the director of DHC suffered from, and who suddenly weakened enormously. For that reason, DHC was unable to continue their business activities and through which Hyproma took over DHC. Hyproma visited several former suppliers of DHC which resulted in a certain number of official dealerships. The components, that these dealers supply, can be applied in Hyproma's own products, and therefore projects, and can be distributed to (new) customers. 

Support services - ISO 9001:2015

Hyproma is officially certified according to ISO 9001:2015 which was a long process wherein ultimately all invested energy had the desired result. 

The process started a few years ago, which was for the ISO 9001:2008 version at that time. However, the process did not entirely go according to plan, partly because the company was too busy. An easy excuse, but certainly the reality where Hyproma consists of a small team of employees who have to carry out several additional tasks. Eventually, the thread was picked up again and started, read continued with the ISO 9001:2015 version. At that time, an employee was appointed internally who took on the task. This employee had no additional duties and was, therefore, able to fully focus on the process. The basis for the quality management system has been laid in cooperation with an external party. The system was then further supplemented, adapted and implemented wit hthe help of all employees. As a result, the ISO 9001:2015 certificate was achieved within a year. 

Thereby, Hyproma's performance is measured, business operations and processes are critically examined and various opportunities for improvement are registered. Based on this, there is a continuous improvement atmosphere that benefits both internally and externally. Quality, reliability can therefore be maintained, guarenteed and improved. In addition, standardisation and flexibility are well-balanced to be able to best serve the customer.


The production of hydraulic aggregates, also known as power packs or hydraulic power units (HPU), is an expertise of Hyproma. Power packs with a capacity of up to 1000 kW, a flow up to 2000 L / min ...


In addition to executing projects, the application and distribution of components is an important aspect within the core business of Hyproma. These components consist of various hydraulic and mechanical components.